Stakeholder Engagement and Education

By increasing awareness of genetics guidelines and recommendations for primary care providers to improve referral practices for genetic services, MGN will increase the number of individuals who have access to genetic services.

  • The Stakeholder Engagement and Education (SEE) project develops and disseminates resources to primary care providers, genetic service providers, public health officials, and families, and implements continuing education and quality improvement activities to increase the connection with genetic services for the medically underserved.

boy in hospital bed shaking hands with dr

What is the Provider Education Workgroup’s Charge?

  • Connect primary care providers to educational materials developed by Midwest Genetics Network
  • Improve the efficiency of ordering appropriate genetic testing and making appropriate referrals to genetic services by primary care providers
  • Work with state chapters of national organizations to promote national use of Midwest Genetics Network Materials and resources.

Continuing Education and Quality Improvement Projects